Thursday, July 11, 2024

Pillowcase Dresses

 Well, I have done it.  I have wanting to make some little girl dresses to be given to an orphanage in Cambodia.  They were to be adapted from the pillowcase dress pattern.  I had set aside some fabric but that is as far as I got.  I have been feeling ill for the past couple weeks and finally went to the doctor this Tuesday past.  He is scheduling a bunch of tests including blood work in hopes of find out why I am feeling ill.

I hadn't been able to stray very far from either the couch of the bed so wasn't getting much done.  Today, I decided I had enough of that and was going to ignore everything but the dizziness and get moving. I did a bit of gardening, filled the bird feeders, some housework and then started sewing.

I have the first little dress cut out.  I made a pattern for the armhole so I can reuse that.  I haven't checked to see what I have in the way of trim and bias binding yet but will do that before my eye appointment in Huntsville next week.  Walmart will have all the odds and ends I will need.

My dear hubby has been so patient and understanding with me.  He has had to drive me where ever I've needed to go and has got most of the meals.  He is very much a keeper.  My dear friends have offered any help I need so, all in all, I feel loved and looked after.  I am a fortunate woman.

I hope to have a photo of the dress soon.  If you would like to check out the pattern I am using for reference, it is:


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