Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Amazing Hubby

 I am starting to feel better.  I can't remember what I said in my last post and am too lazy to look it up but I have been unwell for quite a while.  Nausea, headache, dizziness and a strange fluttery feeling in my chest.  Went to the doctors, was sent for a barium test and the doctor had me come in the next day.  That was worrisome.  Turned out I have some strange, rare condition of the esophagus.  Air was getting trapped in the upper area and it was palpitating.  Was given a prescription which didn't help at all at first.  Today, it has been a week and I am finally feeling somewhat normal.  My head has been so fuzzy that I am surprised I remembered how to walk.  Still have to go for a scope but I think I am on the road to recovery.

Hubby has been amazing.  Reminds me to take the pill (half hour before eating which I have a hard time remembering) has been getting the meals, driving me where I need to go and generally making me feel loved and cherished.

I haven't got much sewing done but what I did do was for the little dresses.  I cut the material for 3 and got one almost finished.  Photo coming. It is quite warm today.  I also got some yellow beans from the garden blanched and frozen and have blueberries yet to do.  The gardens are producing well this year.

I hope everyone is doing well.  If you have a project you would like to share, I would love to see it and, with your permission, post it so it can be shared.


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