Saturday, August 10, 2024

Fuzzies Are Gone

 Wow, I really have got behind.  I am finally feeling almost normal.  At least the fuzzy brain and lack of energy have gone.  I went back to my doctor and was taken off the medication I had been prescribed and advised to increase the dosage of a pill (that apparently does the same thing as the new one) I have been taking for ages.  I still have to go for a scope but at least I am now able to function.

I have made four little dresses to send to the orphanage and want to bring the number to 10 as well matching shorts.  They won't be sent until November so lots of time (she said hopefully).  My dear quilting friend is making clothing for boys, bless her giving heart.

There is a store in town that is selling my little fabric bags and I have made a couple of those but need to do more.  Of course, while all this is going on, in the back of my mind is the knowledge that the local fall fair happens the end of this month.  I am going to try to be sensible and just do what I can.

The older of my two sisters that live in England is in Canada visiting her son and family so we were able to get together.  It is always difficult when she (or my other sister) returns to England but I try to remind myself with the truth that I am fortunate in being able to see them.

It has been an odd year for weather.  We have been pretty fortunate here.  Lots of rain but also lots of warmth and sunshine.  The flower and vegetable gardens are doing well.  I have even pulled a few weeks!  Something ate the leaves on the yellow beans but didn't touch the veggie.  I had already picked a lot of them.  Not enough that I can make my mustard pickles but we will have a nice addition to our meals.

I hope everyone has been safe and well and getting lots of time in the sunshine. I can't remember if I posted this photo before.  If so, I hope you don't mind seeing it again.


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