Thursday, July 15, 2021

Now You Tell Me

 A scary day for the people south of us.  A tornado touched down a couple hours south.  There has been a good bit of damage, 8 people injured 4 seriously.  That area is prone to tornados and in 1985 had one of the worst in Canada.  I was living closer to the area then and knew one of the people injured.

Other than doing some shopping and getting a long needed haircut, I have spent most of the day quilting.  I had a frustrating time at the grocery store.  I try to be patient when it is a situation that isn't anyone's fault but I do get irritated when it could have been handled more efficiently.  When I got to the store, there was a bit of a line up but it moved quickly.  A young employee was waving each person through when it was time (this is important for later.) I zipped around and got my items and, when it was my turn, got everything on the conveyer I belt.  I packed my own bags and then went to pay.  The clerk wasn't really focused on me at all and it took a while for her to get the pin pad ready.  I did my thing and waited for longer than normal and then got a message that said it hadn't gone through.  I had to get the tellers attention and we did it again, same result.  I asked her why I was having problems and she told me that the system was down.  Now you tell me.  After a bit more fiddling around, I left my groceries to go to a bank machine and hair appointment.  Back to the store to pay for my items.  There were a few more delays and I was done.  My complaint is that the entrance employee should have advised customers there was a problem and they would need cash.

I informed those waiting in line of the situation and one couple left as they didn't have cash.

Hope everyone is safe and enjoying their day,


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