Thursday, July 8, 2021

Cursive Quilting

It has been really cool the past couple of days.  Tuesday I made some scone and a cake both gluten free.  This morning it was cold enough that hubby lit the wood stove.  It is supposed to start warming up again tomorrow but, other than it isn't good for the veggies, I rather like the cool weather.

I finished my quilt today and hope to get another on the frame tomorrow.  Have you ever written on a quilt.  I have often done that.  I have used a person's name and special dates if it is a memory quilt and phrased that reflect someone's life if it is a gift.  I did a lot of writing on the quilt I just finished and interspersed it with hearts as the customer really likes them.

The quilt was made of squares of flannel and sewn together.  The border was a strip of coordinating fabric as you can see from this photo.

This is what quilted writing looks like.  This is the back of the quilt so the words are mirror image.  the border was done in hearts.  The customer doesn't want a border that will be noticeable so I am going to try something new.  I often do self borders (wrap backing to the front, fold under a 1/4 inch and sew.  I am going to do the same with this one except I will fold the top to the back.  As the fabric is all flannel, I will do a test sew and make sure it doesn't stretch before continuing.



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