Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Life is Good

Today was busy.  I had to get some grocery shopping done and, as I had a doctor's appointment I figured I might as will fill up the day.
I got back from shopping around 1 and then back out the door and into the village for the doctor. Then it was lab work and pharmacy.  We got home just in time to make supper.  I say 'we' because hubby drove me to everything as he was concerned about how safe I would have been driving.  I am sure I was alright but it is nice to have someone care enough for you to inconvenience themselves.
Often a person feels they have to spend a lot of money on gifts, flowers, trips whatever but the most appreciated gift is ones self.  I am so glad that hubby and I have that kind of marriage.  It didn't happen right away, of course.   The first few months were pretty bad as two people used to being on their own adjusted to having another person around all the time. It didn't help that I was in the beginning stages of menopause-probably should be a law forbidding marriage at that time or at least not without a lot of counselling.
I think our determination to succeed and our faith in God was what kept us together for one more day, one more month, one more decade.  And now, here we are with our anniversary coming up at the end of the month.  I can't imagine life without him and he feels the same about me.  Life is good. And tomorrow I quilt.

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