Tuesday, April 2, 2019

A Valuable Discovery

I spent most of the afternoon shopping which, with my advanced years, I found exhausting.  Hubby had a doctor's appointment so after going to the grocery store, he dropped me off in the mall area so I could get the rest of what was needed.
One thing I had to do was take back the cell I bought and get another.  I am happier with this one and discovered, after reading the instructions (who knew) that I could take the SIM card from my old phone, put it in the new and have everything automatically transfer over.  That certainly saves a lot of fussing.  I am now going to take the card from hubby's old phone and put it in my old, but much better, one.  We both get to keep out existing phone numbers, plans, contacts etc.
I suppose you all knew about that  but it was a big discovery for me.
The morning was spent reading more of the tutorials for the Gimp program  My wee brain is getting a good stretch this week and it is only Tuesday.
I still have one more techie jog to do.  Once the phone is fully charged, I have to sync my Fitbit.  Hopefully, that goes smoothly.
Not getting much done for quilting but, fingers crossed, tomorrow I will get the binding on mother-in-law's quilt and get another loaded onto the frame.

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