Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Sick Days.

 Hubby and I have been ill with something unidentified.  I have inherited a good immune system so was really unwell for just a day.  Hubby, on the other hand has had it for nearly a week. He is starting to get better now.  We had to reschedule his MRI but was able to get another appointment, thanks to the incredible staff at North Bay Hospital, on March 1.

I was ill enough (and concerned about spreading anything) that I didn't go to quilt group on Monday.  One of the ladies brought the top of a sampler quilt she is making.  She did an amazing job but then, she always does.  I love the little black scottie. Hubby tells me that if I keep practicing that once day I will be as good as Terry.  Bless him!

Thank you, Margaret for taking the photo.  Not an easy task unless everyone is over six feet.

We are expecting another 'snow event' but so far it is just a normal winter day.  One of my sister's in England tells me her snow drops are up.  We have snow drops as well but ours falls from the sky.


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