Thursday, August 15, 2024


 It has been an odd week.  All sorts of exciting happenings on the English side of the world offset by the death of a childhood friend.  I had known Shirley since we were in grade school and we have kept in touch throughout the years.  She had a cottage near one of my sisters which increased the contact.  Her grandmother lived next to us when we were kids and was one of the kindest women I knew.  Even as children, we appreciated her.  Shirley grew to emulate her.  She will be missed by many.

I think a person starts to value their friends more and more as they get older and, as I am now pushing 80, I REALLY value them.  The ladies in our local quilt group, the Burk's Falls Village Quilter's, accept me as the crazy, often opinionated, sometimes bossy but always loyal person that I am.  I am equally fortunate to consider both my in-law family and blood siblings to also be my friends.  I am really a very blessed woman.

Do you belong to a quilt group either on line or in person or perhaps both?  If so, you will know what I mean about friends.  You would be hard pushed to find a quilter  you didn't like.

Today is the first day I have had completely free this week

.  I am doing what all people tease quilter's about; cutting large pieces of fabric into small.  Leftovers from that go to a friend who uses them to stuff dog pillow/blankets.  Quilter's are great recyclers!


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