Friday, June 14, 2024

Preparing for a Sale

 The day is moving on and I want to get a bit more quilting done but, first, the latest news here in the backwoods.

  If you have been working on the scrappy pattern quilt, there is one more step.  After you have cut the corners from each block you are going to have two nice sized triangles.  Sew them together along the longest side and you will have a block that can be used as an outside border.

My customer quilt is finished and sent to its new home.  The customer was very pleased which is always gratifying.  It was a challenge to make but that kept me interested.

Later this month, the Burk's Falls Art and Crafts Club will be holding it's first sale of the year.  I have been finishing up some of my UFO's to enter.  This photo is one of them.  I finished it some time ago but always felt it needed something else.  Yesterday I added the cats and I think that makes it a lot more appealing.  I now have a crib quilt on the long arm and am working on another.

We had a tornado warning for much of Ontario yesterday.  We didn't get anything more than a few gusts of wind and a little thunder but it was enough to frighten the cat.  It must have been terrifying for her to be living outdoors for seven years without any comfort or shelter.  She is getting lots of love and care now.


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