Wednesday, November 16, 2022

A Scary Phone Call

 When the phone rings before 5 o'clock in the morning, you know it isn't Publisher's Clearing House calling to say you are the big winner.  My phone tells me who is calling so I knew right away that it was my son.  First thought was that something happened to his wife as her health isn't good.  Fortunately, it wasn't that serious but worrying all the same.  He was involved in a traffic collision and the other vehicle went off the road and ended up on its roof. My son was fine but shook up.

There were a lot of collision during the morning as the conditions were bad, but my son isn't sure what caused his car to lose control.  He is a professional driver (semi-truck) and has never even had a speeding ticket.  He may never know what happened.  His vehicle is still drivable, and he is going to work tomorrow but the other driver is in the hospital All day long, as I worried about my son, I was also aware that the family of the other driver was going through a worse situation.

With the lack of sleep and staying in touch with my family, I didn't get much done today.  Tomorrow, I help pack shoe boxes with items for children in need.  I am pretty much ready for the craft sale on Saturday.

Hope you are all staying well and safe,


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