Friday, September 1, 2017

Frustrating Volunteers

Well, I am irritated.  I got everything ready to get my tags for the fall fair entries this week and then ran into problems.  Normally, once the tags are ready, they are picked up from the secretaries residence but this year we were to go to the municipal office.  That shouldn't have been a problem but it turned out to be a mess.  I was called when mine were ready and went over late morning to pick them up.  They hadn't been brought in yet.  Got an email later saying they arrived at 1.30 and I could get them.  I didn't want to make another trip for just one thing so decided to wait until the next day.  I phoned the office this morning to make sure of the closing hours and that my tags were still there.  I had to go to Huntsville for a medical appointment and decided to go off route into the village.  When I got there, I was told the tags were picked up already and would be at the fair grounds the next day.  I was really frustrated because I was there 2 hours before the office closed.
Now I will have to take pins and everything else I need to the fairgrounds then try to get the tags onto the articles while they are in the vehicle.    I like to have all this done before I get there so I just hand the prepared entries to the volunteers. 
If there are many others in the same situation as I, it is going to be a long process as there is usually just one person handing out tags to those who need an extra one.  I am not looking forward to it and contemplated just not entering but that seemed rather drastic.
I know all the people are volunteers but even so one expects people to still do their job properly.  We would all be in a nasty state if all the millions of volunteers were haphazard about what they were supposed to do.  Imagine a volunteer firefighter going out to answer a call and then deciding to stop for a coffee first.
Not a bit problem in light of all that is going on in the world but frustrating nevertheless.  And that is my rant.

1 comment:

  1. Oh My Goodness! ...... go ahead and rant!!!
    Unfortunately, "some" make us all wonder as to why we bother to enter. Like you, I like to do my tags at home, so there is no confusion, and they get entered properly. Then, all I have to do is pass them in when I get there.

    So far, any of the fairs where I have entered, it has been fill-in-the-blank tags. Most hand them out free-will in advance, but for some, you would think they were gold.

    Beyond that ... I can tell you even worse horror stories of fair entries. And why, I have cut way back on my entries. To say the least about the ridiculously small prize money, should we win in comparison to the risk to our quilts.

    Good Luck!! ..... take your entries with pride and I hope there are no further calamities from here on.
