Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Blessing Others

Hello all.  I hope my Canadian readers all had a blessed thanksgiving.  Some of my in-laws came here for a pot luck style meal and the weather was nice enough we could eat outside.  The younger members of the family were trying out some of their motorized vehicles and, while the neighbours might not have appreciate the lack of mufflers, the kids had fun.  They were thoughtful and stopped after a couple of trips down the driveway.

The food was, of course, wonderful and little cleanup to be done afterwards.

Hubby and I are still not feeling 100% but we have to be better tomorrow as we are taking our grandson to his aunt and uncles where another family member will ferry him to the airport.  It has been wonderful having him here and he will be greatly missed.

I have mentioned that another lady and I are making clothes that will be donated to children who have been freed from the sex trade. In the photos attached, you will see a little dress.  I made it and my friend made the trouser set.  She is a very good seamstress.  Other people have donated underpants and ready made clothing.  I can only imagine the difference these items will make to these poor little ones.


Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Beets Galore

 As fall is settling in for its time of year, thoughts' turn to gardening and processing the fruits of our spring and summer labour.  We have a good crop of beets this year ranging in size from an teeny to 'oh my goodness'.  Most will be pickled but I discovered that hubby likes Harvard beets, so I will use some of the smallest for that.  Nice that after 30 plus years of marriage, I am still discovering new things about him.

I will cook all the beets today and then to the pickles etc. tomorrow.  I try to divide the big jobs so I don't wear myself out.

We had quite the rainfall last night but the sun is shining today.  If this weather continues, I will get at transplanting bulbs and adding more to my feature garden.  Again, I am cutting back but a little work has great results.  I am hoping that after I get the scope done, the doctor will be able to do something that will restore some of my energy and remove the symptoms of whatever I have.

Hard to believe we are in October already but we all say that every year.  I am thankful that we don't live in an area that gets hurricanes, tornadoes, floods etc.  Our main weather event is snow and, while it can create some nasty problems, it is rarely life threatening.

Hope you are all doing well.  I am getting some of my small quilt projects finished and looking forward to starting more.
