Thursday, November 2, 2017

A Piece of Crap

I got to Huntsville today and completed my shopping.  I guess I will have to be thinking about getting started on Christmas gifts as well  We don't have a lot of people to buy for-mainly our grandchildren, each other and the little ones that are part of exchanges, for neighbours etc.
I have most of the latter done, have no idea what I am going to give hubby and have lots of time to do the grands as they go away for Christmas and don't open their gifts until New Year's.
One of the extra's that we enjoy every year is choosing something from a special catalog.  It shows photos of various farm animals and other items and services that help an individual or group in a developing country.  Each item has a price and a bit of a information on how it would make life easier for the recipient.  I would love to be able to donate the money for a sewing machine but that is out of our income level.
We get quite a kick out of some of the donatable items such as "A Piece of Crap"-manure.  We could send a lot of them for free from our chickens.
Tomorrow, I have to finish the preparations for the craft sale.  Once that is over, I can start getting ready for a visit with one of my sisters who is in Canada visiting her son and his family.
Our little Heidi continues to get better.  She had her last pain pill this morning and is starting to bounce around like her old self.  Will try and keep her quiet for another day or so to make sure she doesn't do herself any harm
Don't forget we put our clocks back this Saturday evening.  An extra hours sleep is always welcome.

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