Sunday, September 29, 2024

Passing Time

 I see it has been nearly a month since I last posted.  I am still not feeling healthy and now hubby has been ill with some sort of tummy bug.  To top it all off, I had work done on my computer and I lost some of the info I need so am working to get that back

I had a wonderful time with my sister and her grandson while they were here visiting.  Of course, the time never seems long enough but we did get some things done.  A neighbour was able to do some landscaping on her property so there is a place to put the camper.  She met some of my dearest friends  and agreed with me that I was very fortunate to be able to call them friends.  She and I did a bit of shopping, some walking and a lot of talking.    It was hard to adjust to the lack of her presence but our grandson is now here so that has helped.

I can't remember if I mentioned this but we had a problem with a mama bear and her two cubs.  She wrecked the hen house trying to get at the feed and then something got the chickens.  We did manage to save 3 and they are being fostered by a neighbour.  We (as in hubby) will be installing an electric fence which, hopefully, will discourage any more bears.

I hope everyone enjoyed the summer and are easing into the fall.  We haven't been getting a lot of colour yet but perhaps it is still early.  Here is a photo from the past which I still enjoy.


                                                           An oak tree shrub in our back yard.


1 comment:

  1. Hope you're feeling better, Anna! Not much color here either, more like summer this whole month--very unusual, but I'll take it!
