Friday, April 12, 2013

Crazy Quilt Blocks

I am not sure how long I will have Internet today as there are storms all around us.  We just have rain and that seems to be stopped at the moment.
I am in the midst of printing some copies of my book and writing my magazine article for the Quilt Pattern Magazine.  Women always multi task, don't they.
The rye bread I made yesterday was a success.  My husband has already eaten most of one loaf.  This was a new recipe for me as I previously used the bread maker for anything other than our regular whole wheat bread.  Now I am thinking of trying a few more varieties i.e. oatmeal, sourdough. The problem with this as with all foods is that you eat it and then you've added a few more calories to your diet. I think that if nature were kind, all home made foods would have zero calories!

I came across an interesting pattern on Wednesday. It is on a blog so I don't think I am breaking any privacy or copyright laws by giving you the link.  Check out the baby blankets on site.  I was particularly taken with the one using crazy quilt blocks.  An innovative idea. 
Have a safe and warm weekend.

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