Thursday, January 21, 2010


One of the things that concerned me when my husband and I retired and moved east was the amount of time we would be together.  So often when a couple are around each other continually, there can be a lot of friction.  Fortunatly and, I must admit, to my surprise, we haven't had that problem.  I think that is largely because we respect each others space and we both have time consuming hobbies-a number of them, in fact.  Some, like motorcycling and travelling, we share.  Others, like my quilting and his hunting, we do individually.  Roger also paints
and I think it also helps that we are both creative.
He started painting a couple of years before we married and has continued ever since.  Our house is covered with his paintings and my quilting and photography.
The photo on top is my favourite of all his paintings.  It hangs in the master bedroom where I can see it when I wake up.  I love the sly look on the wolf's face.  I will never let him sell this one.
The other photo is his most recent work.  Again, as with all his paintings, the animal has a slightly human expression.
Roger also does woodworking but hasn't been able to work at that since we moved as doesn't have a garage yet.  Not sure where we will put all those creations and I guess we won't have to worry about being under each others feet for a long time.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this intimacy .....Rogers work is truly beautiful .....I still admire his work from the picture of the Cross on a Hill he painted for is one of my greatest treasures as well.....And I will try harder to be less selfish when Bill, trots off to do something,on his own.
    thanks Sister!
